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The portfolio app is a React application, therefore it depends on having Node.JS installed locally on your development machine. You will need to have version 18 or later of Node.js installed.

You will need some form of web hosting. React build folders are basically just static HTML, CSS and JavaScript files so pretty much any provider will be able to host them. the CRA website has some useful information here.

Clone the repository

Either clone it somewhere locally from where you then upload the dist directory to your web hosting provider, or clone it directly onto your hosting server. Note that the only files which need to be available to your web hosting server are the contents of the ./dist directory (once you have generated the bundle).

$ git clone

Yarn or NPM

The portfolio app can be built using either yarn or npm. For preference, use yarn as the project lock file is set up for this. You can use npm if you prefer, but you will need to delete the yarn.lock file first.

Npm comes installed with Node.js and can be used straight out of the box, however you will need to install yarn yourself if you choose to go that way. It is actually installed in the repo, but needs to be enabled first if not already done:

$ corepack enable
$ yarn set version stable

Install the dependencies

From the root project directory, run yarn install (or npm install) depending on your own personal preference.

Update the configuration

  1. Rename the ./src/configure/settings-template.js file to ./src/configure/settings.js. Modify the settings, text, icons, hero image etc to your own requirements.
  2. Add your GitHib Personal Access Token to the VITE_GH_TOKEN key in the .env file. This will allow the 'Open Source' section to query GitHub. Without this, that section will not work. Define your PAT on GitHub (it is account wide, not per-repository) here under Personal access tokens
  3. Add your Google Analytics Tracking ID to the VITE_GA_ID key in the .env if you want to use Google Analytics to track visitors to your portfolio app.

These files are the ONLY files you should be editing! Nothing else needs changing.

See the .env file page for more information on the .env file.

Run the application locally

For local development, run yarn start (or npm start) to start the local development server. This will open a browser window at http://localhost:3000 and will automatically reload when you make changes to the source code.

Build the Production bundle

From the root folder of this repository, either run yarn build or npm run build. This will create a production-ready website in the dist folder. This dist folder is the one you need to upload to your hosting provider, with the contents of this folder being the root to serve. Again, the React Deployment pages have good information if you are new at this.

Test the Production bundle locally

If you want to test the production bundle locally, you can use built in preview server that comes with vite.

Use either yarn preview or npm run preview to start the preview server. This will automatically open a browser window for you.

Deploy the application

Since the production bundle is just static HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, you can deploy it to any web hosting provider.

I no longer recommend deploying to GitHub pages - since your GitHub Personal Access Token is stored in the final production build, GitHub will then detect this and cancel it, hence the OpenSource section will fail. Look at Netlify or Vercel instead. Obviously, if you have your own hosting you can upload the production build and serve that as any other site.

Again, check the Create-React-App website for more information on deployment.